Friday past myself and two others ventured into the big smoke for a few drinks, the occasion… it was Friday!
I’m always a fan of eating before going out before a few drinks to avoid the lethargic food coma that engrosses me after beating two courses into my face. In this instance I hadn’t eaten and after a number of creamy Guinness in the Harp Bar it became apparent it would be wise to eat.
Was it the best burger I’ve ever had? Find out below
One of the bad eggs I was with suggested we go to Bunsen Burger, once mentioned the other bad egg almost had a fit of excitement.
I had noticed the new burger place on Hill street in Belfast for a few weeks and it looked quite inviting I just never had the opportunity to eat there yet.
On first impressions walking through the door, it seems like quite a nice “sit down” meal place where you must wait to be seated, and quick attendance from the waitress for a dink order is impressive and I am then handed a business card?
The two who are now dribbling on the table opposite me begin to explain the format of the menu, it couldn’t simpler…
Burgers – Single or Double – Cheese or None
Fries – Hand cut – Shoe string – Sweet potato
Drinks – Soda or Milkshake
Toppings – The usual
Yes this is all they do but they do it oh so well!!
My order:
Cheeseburger – Shoe string fries – Coke…. Simple.
Then the best bit came, the waitress asked how would I like the burger
cooked? Never had I been asked that in the realm of Belfast before. When it comes to meat as some of you may know, you can have a steak cooked well done, medium, rare or even blue. Burgers not so much, but if the meat has been ground into mince that day it is perfectly fine to cook a mince meat burger rare. I took mine rare.
What a bite, all the toppings pickle, onion, lettuce, tomato and a sauce which reminded me of McDonald’s thousand island dressing, but dare I say better, the meat cooked to perfection, succulent because the meat is rare.
You may not be a rare meat eater but you must go and try it, this is the best burger I have ever had in Belfast/in the country I might add.
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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil.
Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere.
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