It’s not always the most expensive pint of Guinness is the best, something you have to go off the beat and track to find the hidden gems who know exactly how to pour a creamy pint of stout.
Best places for a pint of Guinness in Belfast
5. Kelly’s Cellars
30-32 Bank Street
One of the oldest pubs in Belfast est. in 1720
4. The Garrick
29 Chichester Street
The Garrick is always a great venue, a good pint and some traditional music on a Thursday to go with it.
3. The Garrick
51 Donegall Street
The Guinness is great in the John Hewitt great friendly bar with a good stock of different beers also
2. The Crown Bar
46 Great Victoria Street
A famous drinking hole in Belfast’s City centre, the old saloon opposite the Europa Hotel
1. The Duke of York
7-11 Commercial Ct
Yes it’s the the Grand Old Duke of York, what a setting it is for a pint of Guinness!
If you don’t agree leave a comment where you think the best pint of Guinness is in Belfast.
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Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere.
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